Prémio Carlos Sousa Oliveira 2014

João .P. Almeida; Sandip Das; Rui Pinho (2012)
Menções Honrosas

Filipe Neves, Aníbal Costa, Romeu Vicente,
C. Sousa Oliveira, Humberto Varum (2012)
Seismic vulnerability assessment and characterisation of buildings on Faial Island, Azores”,
Bull Earthquake Eng. 10:27–44,
DOI 10.1007/s10518-011-9276-0
Menções Honrosas

Xavier Romão, Raimundo Delgado, Aníbal Costa (2013)
Alternative closed-form solutions for the mean rate of exceedance of structural limit states”,
Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn.;
42:1827–1845. DOI: 10.1002/eqe
Menções Honrosas

Romeu Silva Vicente, Hugo Rodrigues, Humberto Varum, Aníbal Costa, José António Raimundo Mendes da Silva (2012)
Performance of masonry enclosure walls: lessons learned from recent Earthquakes”,
Earthq. Eng. Eng. Vib. 11: 23-34..